I smoked as a teenager but only smoked for 7 years so it was easy for me to quit when I had my daughter. But the eating, well that's another problem. I want to see one person who has no bad habits, like smoking, drugs, food, gambling, drinking etc. and so forth. If there is such a person they can make millions of dollars telling the rest of us where we went wrong. Think I'll sue Little Debbie :D
lets sue all dem bastids..i think the reason i am a night owl is because my mother was...she stayed up all night intertaining troops and i got regulated to her schedule...same thing when i had mojo...with dave and thom i had normal sleeping hours and both the boys are 10pm to bed and 6am..up...i stayed up all night babysitting jack and trying to keep him out of jail, hospitals, etc...and mojo is a night owl too..hmmm. who can i sue?
Cool. Sue society!!!
Loved that quote by the way!!!