Harry S. Truman

I just watched the Obama speech from last night and I really enjoyed hearing it.
But I'm also very troubled right now. All night at work I kept hearing an announcement on the radio that kinda puzzled me.
Apparently The devil's minion is coming to Cambridge, (where I do most of my nitwitery) sometime today. Yes I mean John McCain. Now I'm at a loss as to why he would come here though the GOP is very dominant here. Then I thought back to 4 years ago when The Gump came here and gave a stump speech about 150 yards from my bedroom window while I was trying to sleep in the house that his policies and my health problems took away from me. I wonder if it is just getting hard to find a friendly place for a Republican to campagne.
The other thing that bothered me was that though they kept harping on the fact that he would be here today they would not, or more likely could not say where he was going to be speaking.
So, this being payday and me needing to be out and about paying bills and wasting money on things I just can't live without I was going about my business always looking over my shoulder and fearing that I would actually see the man and somehow turn to stone or a pillar of salt.
Well I got back to the rented shack I call Nitwit headquarters without getting even a glimpse of the Bus Of Lies, but I locked all the doors and windows and haven't even peeked out to see how the bridge construction is going. I hope I make it to work OK tonight My boss is one of the GOP bigwigs around here and I know if McCain is here he will be front row center having an orgasmic experience.
I wonder if he'll turn into a zombie.