I was reading Pravda online the other day (I don't read deep but I do read wide) and came across a little story that seems to be a sign of things to come
There was a terrible explosion in an apartment complex in the city of Lvov a few nights ago. The windoes and doors were blown out and even one wall collasped and much of the personnel property was distroyed. I addition the senior resident is in serious condition with burns over 40% of her body.
The woman was spraying a rather potent pesticide in the apartments to kill an infestation when she lit a candle to reach into a darkened area. The pesticide ignitedd and caused all the damage listed above. That's the offical story anyway. The thing I found curious was that none of the insects were killed by the poison or explosion.
Yup, the Cockroaches escaped unharmed.
I have been waiting for signs that the army of Cockroaches are starting to make their move. I wonder if they are under control or freelancing though.
Hmm, I think I hear something in the walls...
Talk about being indestructible.