It is a rare mind indeed that can render the hitherto non-existent blindingly obvious. The cry 'I could have thought of that' is a very popular and misleading one, for the fact is that they didn't, and a very significant and revealing fact it is too.
Douglas Adams
Stop the presses! Don’t bother to nominate anyone for The Nobel prize in science or any other academic award. It’s no contest the winner is preordained. We may have to give all awards to Dr. John C. Ozmun until the end of time.
I’m sure you have heard of the good Doctor. His name should be on everyone’s lips 24/7.
He will have to beat women (and men) off with a very large stick.
Dr. John C. Ozmun, of Indiana State University and his co-authors who obviously wish they were a tenth as smart as Dr. Ozmun have done a study on the declining fitness in America’s youth that has had startling results.
Two groups of children were given cardboard blocks to carry about 26 feet and put down repeatedly. The real genius in the study is that half the children were given blocks that weighed less than a quarter pound and the others weighed 3 ½ pounds. Days later the children were given the opposite type blocks.
The results:
Overall, after an average of 10 minutes of carrying weighted blocks, the children experienced significantly greater increases in heart rate, oxygen uptake and energy expenditure than they did after carrying the lighter blocks, study findings indicate.
"Handling heavier objects, either through play or instruction, may provide opportunities to increase workload intensity in a benign manner allowing for subsequent improvements in children's physical fitness," Ozmun's group concludes.
I am absolutely stunned by this revelation. The conventional wisdom included such things as taking time to prepare healthy meals and avoiding junk food loaded with sugars and fats and maybe as a last resort getting them involved in activities that include running and jumping and climbing and other such dangerous activities.
However large the government grant was that funded this groundbreaking study it was a bargain.
All along we only had to trick them by making the toys they want to play with heaver.
I’m halfway through my design for a lead filled joy stick for my kids Play station and X-Box. Soon I’ll be so rich I will hire others to Blog for me!
Duct tape and a few rocks would work with the current stuff.
Dad, why is there a rock taped to my x-box? It's good for you son. No, wait you can't tell them that. Hmmm...